Longbourn and Pemberley
Go to War

  Chapter 25

Definitions: Red Belt: The symbol of a squire. It is similar to a Knight's White belt. Sometimes the squire's Knight's arms will be painted on the belt.

Here is the map of Pennsic. It may be useful. Longbourn is on block E01, Pemberley is on block N01.

Friday, August 10, 2001

The arrival of Kitty was everything Elizabeth had hoped, and the arrival of Lydia was everything she had feared.

Not that she had feared too much. William had worked diligently to reassure her of his commitment and devotion to her, as the slight low ache in her lower back reminded her every time she moved.

He was a magnificent lover: passionate, giving, talented, thoughtful; everything she had ever desired and so much more. She trusted him, in a way she had never trusted anyone else. It had been difficult at first, letting him in, but she had been rewarded a hundred fold by his unconditional devotion and admiration. Her trust in him, in them as a couple snowballed, growing in strength and power with every passing day and passion filled night.

So, although Elizabeth feared that Lydia's arrival would be unpleasant and demanding on her time, she did not fear it would effect her relationship with William. She was wrong, of course.

Elizabeth and Jane were in Longbourn when the old blue mini van pulled up. Kitty and Jacques had purchased the van, when their last car had died, with Pennsic in mind.

Elizabeth hugged Kitty tightly, then Jacques. Lydia tumbled out of the back of the van with a rumpled "ooof!" and stretched herself before being embraced by Jane.

The usual questions about their trip and their health followed. Kitty assured them the trip was fine, while Lydia complained about being stuck in the back. Elizabeth and Jane were standing and talking with Kitty when Charles and William entered the camp.

Every day since their arrival, Pennsic had been growing. What had started as roped off, empty fields were growing steadily into majestic encampments. This was known as the 'hell' weekend, when most of the Pennsic attendees would arrive. Saturday would see over three thousand people checking in during that 24 hour period alone.

The clear view of Longbourn that Pemberley had was becoming compromised by the filling in of the camps that divided them, but the men had been able to see Kitty's van when it pulled up to the gates of Longbourn and they quickly made their way over.

They had never met Kitty before, but they knew right away who she was. Katherine Bennet was the genetic link between Elizabeth and Jane. Where as Jane was tall and slender, with long, straight, blond hair, Elizabeth was her opposite, with a curving, rounded figure, average height, and dark, curling hair. Kitty was the blend of the two. She had Elizabeth's figure and Jane's coloring and height. If her face had had Jane's perfect features, she would have been the most beautiful of all.

"Kitty," Charles was saying enthusiastically, as he shook her hand. "I'm so happy to meet you, Jane has told me so much."

Elizabeth reintroduced Jacques and was pleased that William extended himself to cordially greet him. Jacques was Elizabeth's age. He was quiet, but very pleasant, and Elizabeth approved of the way he treated Kitty with love and respect.

"Pleased to meet you again, Sir Charles," Lydia leered at Charles loudly.

Charles, proving the man he was, greeted Lydia warmly, after shaking Jacques' hand.

Then she turned on William. "Lydia, do you remember my lord, Sir Fitzwilliam?" Elizabeth said cagily.

"Elizabeth, there is no need for titles with your family," William said warmly. "I'm William Darcy, Lydia, it's nice to see you again." Lydia stared up at the tall handsome man with a look of awe, then she looked at Elizabeth and jealousy crossed her features.

"Where's Jane's tent?" she asked snottily.

'Explanations already,' Elizabeth thought. "Jane's tent was destroyed in a storm Lydia." Elizabeth said, leaving Jane to choose how much more she wanted to reveal.

"I've been staying with Charles," Jane told her easily. "His camp is Pemberley is just on the next block," she said pointing.

"But I wanted that tent!" she whined. "My tent is too small! You can't even stand up in it!" She turned on Jane, "Where is it, Jane? I'm going to use it!"

"Lydia," Elizabeth said in a warning tone. "It's in the trash. Didn't you hear what I said? It was destroyed."

Charles told Jane softly, "We could buy her a new tent."

"No!" Elizabeth insisted. "Lydia knew the situation, she chose to bring out the smaller tent, she has to live with it."

Charles, looked for a moment like he was going to argue the point, but a look at his angel reminded him of the importance of sisters learning that they were responsible for their actions. He nodded.

"Lydia, you can use my tent for changing. Your tent will be fine for just sleeping."

Kitty and Jacques had had more than enough of Lydia's whining on the long ride there, so they had begun unpacking the van. Working together, the group soon had the two tents set up. Kitty and Jacques shared a duplicate of Elizabeth's Hilary, while Lydia had a 6' x 10' pup tent.

The newcomers than excused themselves to take a shower and get changed into garb. While they were gone, Elizabeth looked at William inquiringly. "She's not that bad," he assured her. Elizabeth just sighed and shook her head.

When they were all back and ready, following another tantrum from Lydia over her garb, Charles and Jane, and William and Elizabeth decided to take a walking tour to acquaint Lydia with the area, while Kitty and Jacques took the van to the parking lot.

To say Pennsic was large would be simplistic. It was the largest site of any SCA event. It was also the most heavily attended. The previous year, 10,000 people had attended, and because it was Pennsic 30, that number was expected to rise. The site itself was miles long and wide. It was bordered on the east by the highway, route 79. From the north were the parking lots, then the Serengetti on the east and the battlefield and archery range on the west.

Moving south, you encountered the 'barn', a large open building in which the camp store was housed. Almost everyone visited the camp store once a day, for ice if for nothing else. The barn was used for dancing during the beginning of war, and for Kingdom courts towards the end. Merchants in rows four layers deep wrapped around the barn, selling everything. It has been said you could be dropped naked into Pennsic, with just a wad of cash, and be able to purchase everything you needed from shelter, to clothing, to food, to companionship.

South of the barn was the Lake. Pennsic encircled it. Starting on the west, with the Middle Kingdom Royal encampment and the edge of the merchant area, the landscape took a steep drop down to the area known as the 'bog'. Where as the Serengetti was flat and shadeless, the bog was hilly, but had heavy tree cover. This area was preferred by the people who came to Pennsic for the sole purpose of partying, as the tree cover provided protection from the sun, allowing for late morning sleeping.

Around the lake, Pennsic continued, the 'bog' transforming into the 'swamp' (more party territory) then the landscape climbed up Tuchux hill and back to the Serengetti. Theoretically, if a person just stayed on the main road, one couldn't get lost, but in the dark this theory had been disproved on frequent occasions.

The Lydia tour did not make the whole circuit of the lake, instead remaining 'topside', but they did show her the important landmarks and the camp store.

They were lucky to run into Kitty and Jacques as they exited the bus that made the regular route between the parking lot and Pennsic proper. "I can't believe how crowded the parking lot is already!" Kitty exclaimed.

"I know," Charles agreed. "We had trouble finding a spot yesterday, when we got back." The group moved on to do some shopping. Elizabeth and Jane decided it was time to get their tee shirts, before they sold out.

There was one merchant that designed the best tee shirts at war, and Elizabeth made it her first order of business to get hers. She loved her collection of Pennsic shirts. Large, colorful and comfy, they were perfect for lounging and working out. Elizabeth picked out one with two knights, each wearing the colors of the rival kingdom's. On the back was a rose window with the names and arms of all 16 of the kingdoms. William doubled her order and while she was scowling at him disbelievingly, paid for it as well.

"What are you doing?" she asked annoyed.

William looked from side to side, wondering if this was a trick question. "Buying tee shirts?" he replied.

"I can buy my own shirt," she huffed.

William's lips formed a round 'oh'. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I wasn't thinking." He was swiftly reminded that money was one of those issues they still had to work out. "I apologize. I just . . ." He shrugged.

"You just what?" she demanded.

"I just have begun to think of us as a unit. No 'yours' or 'mine', just 'ours'." He looked uncomfortable.

Elizabeth realized she was being foolish. It was only a stupid tee shirt, and she realized she was making a scene worthy of Lydia. "Thank you," she said, moving slowing long the row in the direction Jane and Charles had gone. "I'm afraid it's going to take some getting use to," she explained, "this 'ours' thing. I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet."

William smiled and hugged her tight. "Thank you, my love, for being patient with me."

Elizabeth smiled dismissively and pulled back, linking arms with him. "Oh! she said, "there's something I want to show you here," ducking into another booth. "I love this place."

William examined the store: The Swam & Lion Sultery. He knew it well. "Me too," he added. The merchant specialized in historically accurate goods. They weren't flashy, but were beautiful in their authenticity, at least to William, and it seemed, to Elizabeth. He watched with pleasure as her excitement rose and she showed him a dagger. It was 8 inches long, with a dark bone handle and a hard leather sheaf. "What do you think?" she asked happily.

(The shop's web page is here)

He unsheathed the blade and examined it. It was single sided and shaped like a 'D'. He knew from his research it was an accurate 14th century design. "It's very nice," he told her approvingly.

"I found it on the net, but I wanted to see it in person, before I bought it," she bubbled.

"You didn't buy it yet?" he asked.

"No," she shook her head.

"Then, my dearest Lady, would you please give me the honor of purchasing it for you?"

"You don't have to," Elizabeth told him.

"I want too," he told her earnestly. "Elizabeth, please. It would make me happy."

Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow at him, "Why?"

"Because, I am still feeling stupid for going to Europe and leaving you, to make money I didn't even need," he told her lightly. Elizabeth knew he meant this more than his manner might suggest. "It was a complete lapse of judgment on my part, and it would please me to spend some of this ill-gotten gain on you. Ease my conscience."

Elizabeth regarded him. He was doing his brave knight act, but Elizabeth could see he was completely serious. "I would not have you suffer under a guilty conscience, my lord. You may buy me a gift with my blessing," she replied lightly.

He beamed at her, those yummy dimples appearing. "Anything else I might purchase for you, my lady?"

Elizabeth grinned back. 'Well, why not?' she asked herself, 'these little trinkets were pocket change to him, after all.' She picked out some cast pewter buttons, which William immediately doubled the quantity of and a set of brass pins for her veil. He gave her a look that plainly indicated that was not enough, but she simply shrugged at him. So he went on his own rampage and presented her with a choice of lanterns.

"I want you to be able to find your way to me at night, my lady," he explained. Elizabeth chose one made of brass and horn, which he immediately doubled. "I have to be able to find you," he explained.

Elizabeth grinned as she playfully shook her head.


After dinner at the food court, the group returned to Longbourn, the ladies happily eating their fruity cobblers. "It's amazing how good these are," Kitty commented. "I mean they are only shortcake and warmed up pie filling and ice cream."

"But there are sooo good," Elizabeth exclaimed.

"I know!" Kitty agreed. "That's what's so amazing."

A fire was built and Elizabeth invited Kitty and Jacques to try the 'stargazing couch', which was pronounced as being very comfortable. It was another clear cloudless night, and the temperature was failing quickly. Cloaks were broken out and the couples snuggled to keep warm.

One of the facts of Pennsic was weather variability. It was normal to have highs nearing 100 during the day and lows in the deep fifties at night. Campers prepared for these changes by bringing warm blankets and cloaks.

The campfire attracted a number of friends and visitors to the camp. Lydia was pleased to have Maria Lucas arrive. A whispered conversation with much giggling took place between the two girls, and Lydia announced that she was going to the Meryton Baronial camp to visit.

"Lydia," Elizabeth called to her. "If you want, you can sleep in my tent tonight. It's going to be cold and I don't want you sleeping on the ground."

"Thanks Lizzy," she said brightly, then she paused and asked, "Where will you be sleeping?"

Elizabeth didn't say anything, but her eyes involuntary glanced at William. Lydia took on an expression of understanding, "Oh! I get it!" she snorted.

"Lydia," Elizabeth cautioned her.

"Well, why did you make me put up the stupid tent at all, Lizzy? Jeez! If I knew you had shacked up-"

"LYDIA!" Elizabeth interrupted her. "Excuse me! I am letting you use my tent for one night, tonight, since it is cold. And you better be sleeping in it alone! Do I make myself clear?"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"I can if you are doing it in my bed."

"Why can't I just use it? It doesn't make any sense to have it be empty for the week."

"Lydia," she sighed, "I am the land agent for Longbourn, William is the land agent for Pemberley. Neither one of us can abandon our camps, so we have been alternating which camp we sleep at. So no! You may not have my tent for the week, because it will not be empty," she finished angrily.

"Ohhh, Lizzy, if I were you, I would just bed down with Sir Hottie and never leave."

"Yes, I know you would, Lydia," she agreed tiredly. "That is why you are not a land agent."

"Whatever!" Lydia huffed, rolling her eyes. She and Maria exited the camp and Elizabeth rolled her eyes as she leaned back in her chair.

"You handled that well," William said quietly.

"Thanks," Elizabeth replied. "I don't know what to do about her. I get so frustrated. I mean, I know she's 18 and an adult and should be able to take care of herself, but she has no sense at all and she's so self-centered. I feel like I'm lecturing her all the time, but I don't know why, because she never listens."

William smiled warmly and took her hand. "A very smart person once told me that no one understands teenage girls, so I think you are doing all right."

Elizabeth smiled back and relaxed with him.


Saturday, August 11, 2001.

Elizabeth woke up snuggled in William's arms. During the week, they had abandoned their early morning chats in favor of early morning sex, which, due to their late night sex, had gradually shifted to midmorning sex.

Not that it mattered to Elizabeth. No, the only thing that mattered to her was the way his arms felt around her and his chest rising and falling slowly against hers. She pulled the down comforter that they had broken out from one of the chests last night, to protect them from the chill, up to her nose and burrowed her face against William's neck.

She loved the scent of him. He was an intoxicating mixture of soap and sweat with a heady dose of pheromones to boot. It was a smell that was imprinted on her brain, eliciting certain chemical responses in her body.

With a soft sound he pulled her closer. Elizabeth rearranged herself so his head was pillowed on her shoulder. He smiled, his eyes still shut and snuggled his face against her breast, his rough stubble rasping against her soft skin.

Her body tingled. Elizabeth knew what would come next. William's snuggles became more purposeful, his hand reaching up to cover her other breast.

As her nipple hardened as a result of his attentions, William began kissing it, his tongue swirling around it, then retreating. He blew on it once, the chill provoking a powerful reaction in Elizabeth as she tried to pull away, but he held her tight, and warmed it by sucking the nipple into his mouth.

With a happy sigh, he sucked from her, his free hand stroking the length of her body, back and forth over her hips until a soft moan alerted him to her need. His fingers slipped down between her legs, and parting them gently, he stroked the harden nub he found there, as Elizabeth's twitches became stronger.

After a few minutes of this, he pulled away from her breast. Elizabeth made a soft cry of disappointment, that faded as he tucked his head under the blankets with a naughty smile.

Elizabeth stretched out her body luxuriantly. She had enjoyed this pleasure before, and was more than willing to experience it again. William's talent at lovemaking continued to impress and inspire her.

As she felt his hands and tongue gently touching her most private part, she sighed and dropped into herself. He didn't seem to mind that she was selfish in enjoying this pleasure. She knew it was William tasting and pleasing her and she would not have been able to relax for anyone but him, but this was her time to go into her quiet place and let him love her.

Her hand lazily caressed his curls as she closed her eyes. She had never felt so beautiful, so womanly as when he did this. A soft cry fell from her lips as he penetrated her with a single finger, his tongue eagerly lapping at her. She let her mind empty completely, and focused on the incredible feelings he was provoking in her. Her hips tilted slight, as her ardor grew. More fingers entered her as he built up the pace of her pleasurings. The moans were becoming louder and more insistent as she spiraled up, her excitement increasing with her desire. Skillfully, he kept her on that shiny knife edge of climax, until finally, he gently slipped her over into a shattering orgasm.

She greeted him with a slow, sexy smile as he joined her on the pillows. "Mmmmm, thank you," she breathed throatily.

"Thank you," he countered, his eyes dark and hungry. "You are delicious," he whispered.

Elizabeth giggled slowly. "Are you?" She asked. His eyes flared. "Let's find out," she whispered, as she moved like a cat down his body.


The differences in personalities of the two households were reflected in their arrivals. Longbourn staggered in over the course of three days while Pemberley arrived in one sudden burst.

Pemberley, being a fighter camp, was not a place for sleeping in. When you had to be armored up and on the battlefield at 9, a person couldn't roll out of bed at 8:30. It was a well known fact in the household that Richard was the worst member about getting up early, and it was equally well known that his cousin Darcy enjoyed waking him up every chance he got.

So when Richard Matlock and Georgianna Darcy pulled up to the Pemberley camp at 8 o'clock that morning, they were shocked to find it apparently empty. Then he heard a noise and quickly isolated it as coming from William's tent. He grinned. He never got to be the one to wake up William. Oh, payback was going to be sweet.

Marching to the tent, he said in his loudest voice, "Darcy, it's time to get up!" as he pulled open the doors. The sight that greeted him assured him that his cousin was 'up' in every meaning of the word.

"Out!" Darcy barked at Richard. Elizabeth who had her mouth full at the time, didn't say anything, but she was grateful that a combination of the sheets and William's leg had mostly shielded her body from the intruder.

Richard quickly exited the pavilion and closed the doors behind him. It was unusual for him to be surprised, but he had to admit he'd been taken completely off guard this time.

"Where's William?" Georgianna asked.

"Oh, he's dressing," Richard answered quickly. "He'll be right out. Let's go unpack the car," he said, leading her away from her brother's pavilion.

Inside Elizabeth didn't know if she should laugh or be angry. It was Pennsic, after all, and she knew that when this many people lived so closely together, things like this happened, and she was usually able to take it in stride. But this was Richard, who still had a serious black mark in her book. One look at William told her that playtime was over.

"Sorry," she sighed as she sat up on her knees.

"It's not you," he assured her, holding her for a moment. "Georgianna is here, we need to get dressed."

Emerging a few minutes later, William greeted his sister warmly. She hugged him and smiled, until she noticed Elizabeth standing behind him. Georgianna did some quick mental math and her face turned red.

"Hi Georgie," Elizabeth said warmly.

"Um, hi." Georgianna scolded herself, 'Come on! He told you to bring the ring. Did you really think they would be playing backgammon?'

"Did you have a good trip?" Elizabeth continued.

Georgianna was relieved when Charles exited his tent. He was wearing only plaid cotton drawstring pants, his bare feet peeking out. "Charles!" she exclaimed, going over to hug him.

Elizabeth turned to see an angry looking William having words with Richard. She smirked. 'Serves him right,' she thought. At that time, two more cars pulled up and the squires exited them.

Jane emerged from Charles' tent and both she and William stood by Elizabeth. Charles and Georgianna stood slightly apart, talking as the squires approached. Elizabeth was surprised to see Jane growing quiet and rigid. She looked to see Charles being embraced tightly by Ari, who was playfully running her hands up and down his bare back.

Elizabeth nodded to William and indicated Jane. William instantly understood the situation and took Elizabeth's hand, drawing her back half a step. "Watch," he whispered into her ear.

Charles was walking Ari toward Jane, his arm around her and his face happy. He had no idea he had just primed a nuclear bomb.

"Angel! I want you to meet my girl," Charles proclaimed happily. Then he looked at Jane's face and his mouth opened and closed several times, not unlike a trout. "Angel?" he said weakly.

Elizabeth moved to explain the situation, but William held her back.

Arial also did some quick math, "My lord knight, is this your lady?" she asked formally.

Charles nodded, his face miserable.

Arial then bowed low to Jane, "My lady, I am Arial le Argent, humble squire and student of your lord. It is my great honor to meet you and I hope I may serve you as I do my lord."

Jane looked from the pretty asian woman to Charles, "Squire?" she asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I, I, I," Charles blathered helplessly.

Jane turned back to Arial. "Lady Arial, it is my honor to meet you," she said warmly, offering her hand. Arial shook her hand while Charles pulled himself together.

"I'm sorry, Angel. I know what that must have looked like," he apologized contritely. Jane flashed him a look of forgiveness and stepped to his side, wrapping her arm around his waist. "Is there anyone else I should meet?" she asked softly.

"Uh, yeah," he said as he held her close a moment. "There is Richard."

Richard, hearing his name, walked over to the couple. "Sir Richard Fitzwilliam, this is my lady, Vivienne le Sorbonne. Angel, this is my brother, Richard."

Richard bent low over Jane's hand. "Delighted to meet you, my lady. I have heard so much about you."

Elizabeth scowled at this but was unnoticed by either party. William however, noticed and kissed her quickly to erase it.

Richard continued, "This is my squire, Lord Raf." Jane greeted him as well, and the squire shook Jane's hand.

"Lady Elizabeth," Richard said in his cultured voice, "so nice to see you once more." He tone leaving no doubt in her mind as to his meaning.

William looked ready to punch his cousin again, but Elizabeth was not going to take the low ground. "And you as well, Sir Richard. I sense you are surprised to find me here."

"Frankly, I am, my lady," he admitted, "I did not suspect our paths would cross again so soon."

"I suspect our paths will be crossing quite frequently, Sir Richard," Elizabeth said warningly.

Richard nodded, "You seem to be quite at home, here in Pemberley."

"Pemberley is her home, Richard," William said tightly.

"Indeed," he replied, look from Elizabeth to Jane and back. "It is so nice to see our household growing, isn't it?" He grinned tightly. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to unpack." With that, he turned and walked to his car, across the camp.

"What did I ever do to him?" Elizabeth asked, her expression dark.

"You love me," William answered, "and you are the woman I love." He shrugged, "Richard finds that threatening." Elizabeth rolled her eyes at this. "Don't let this bother you, Elizabeth. He was just blowing off steam. Think about how you would feel if you drove up to Longbourn one day and found Jane and Charlotte in bed with two men you didn't know?"

Elizabeth considered his words and was willing to admit he had a point, "I'm willing to let this one go, due to sleep deprivation, but he's still not winning me over."

"I know," William said, taking her close, "that's all I ask for."

Elizabeth grinned, "That's all?"

William kissed the cheeky look off her face, "Well, maybe not everything."

They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat loudly behind them. William turned to see Michael and Georgie standing together. He released Elizabeth and greeted his squire. "Good to see you, Michael," he said warmly.

"Good to see you, sir." He nodded to Elizabeth, "My lady."

Elizabeth grinned and nodded back to him, amused to find she was picking up some of William's habits.

"William," Georgianna said softly. "You asked for this?" She held out a small package to him.

William smiled brightly and hugged Georgianna tight. "Thank you, Georgie," he grinned. When William released her, she gave Elizabeth a shy look and went back to unpacking the car with Michael.

"What was that about?" Elizabeth asked.

William shrugged, "I'll tell you later."

"Okay," she said, "question number two: why wouldn't you let me explain the situation with Arial to Jane?"

"Because," he explained, as he led her to the kitchen here Jane was making coffee, "Charles and Jane have had more than enough interference in their relationship, and, I wanted to see how Ari would handle it."

Elizabeth considered, "Why?"

"Because, she's going to be the first female knight in the East Kingdom." he said, pouring some coffee and taking a sip.

Elizabeth shook her head, "There are no female knights in the East.* The Chivalry has never, ever supported the idea of a woman in their ranks."

"I know," William said easily, "That's why it is going to be difficult getting Ari her accolade."

Elizabeth frowned, "Do you really think she can do it?"

William nodded slowly, "Yes. She has the skills to be a knight already. Now she has to build on them to be better than most of the Chivalry, and then we will be ready."

"But she's Charles' squire. Why are you so concerned about her?"

"Because she deserves it," he said plainly, and Elizabeth once again felt admiration for his nobleness of spirit. "And because she is in my house. When the time comes, I'm going to be calling in all my favors to get her the white belt."

"You are very loyal," she observed.

William just shrugged. Then Charles came by and motioned him away. "Excuse me, my lady," William said quietly, as he joined Charles off to the side. Elizabeth watched as they had a brief conversation. Charles' hands were gesturing while William was only nodding occasionally. They were so different in so many ways, she observed, but they completed each other so well. When they were done, Charles slapped William once on the shoulder, then went off to find Richard, while William gestured with his head for her to join him.

Taking her mug, she walked across the still dew laden grass to his side, smiling. He presented her with a look of uneasiness. Whatever Charles had discussed with him, it was plainly not all good.

"I need to talk with you about something," he began, his tone nervous.

Elizabeth nodded.

"We're going to have our household meeting in a few minutes, and Charles is going to ask Jane to join Pemberley."

Elizabeth smiled, pleased, but curious why this should be agitating him so.

"It makes sense, being that she is his lady and that she's staying here," he rambled. Then he visibly stopped himself and looked at her squarely. "Elizabeth, I know one of the . . . problems we had at War Camp was that you weren't comfortable with your place in the household."

"No," she corrected him, "What I was 'uncomfortable' with was the way you never discussed my role in the household with me. You simply assumed that I would fall into place without asking."

The words came out with more heat than she had intended. She was surprised that she still felt so strongly about what had happened, after all they had shared.

William lowered his head. Elizabeth felt a wave of remorse for what she said. She put her hand on his arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I thought I was over all that," she said softly. "Please, I don't want to fight," she added.

William looked at her, surprised at the angst in her voice. He opened his arms to her and held her close. "Elizabeth, you don't need to apologize," he said in a quiet voice. "I was just thinking how right you were," he continued. "I was so wrong. I did assume that you would just fit into my life, I was stupid and arrogant, and I'm glad you called me on it." He looked at her warmly, his hand sliding up to caress her cheek. "Because what we have now is so much better than what any 'blow-up Barbie doll' could have given me."

Elizabeth grinned at him, feeling the tension flow away. She hugged him tight and felt him respond in kind. "Let's have all our discussions like this," she said, indicating their embrace. "I feel it works better."

"As my lady wishes," William happily agreed. "So back to the topic on the floor," he said in a more businesslike tone, but never relaxing his hold on her. "Jane is going to be inducted into Pemberley, but that leaves the question: what about you?"

"What about me?" she asked. "Do you want me in Pemberley?"

"Yes," he said, pulling back to kiss her lips. "I want you in my household Pemberley and I want you in my home Pemberley."

There it was, he had said it. Now it was up to Elizabeth to respond. She turned to humor while she processed her thoughts, "You know, if you had asked me like this at War Camp, I might have gone home with you."

"Indeed?" he said as he kissed her temple. He knew she was thinking, and he was willing to wait.

Elizabeth was distracted by the two offers. The question of the household was more immediate, but the other question made the household issue trivial. While she hesitated on what to do, she considered the alternative, and she knew in her heart she could not be without him, not even for a night. She could not and what's more, she didn't want to. She looked into William's eyes, and it was suddenly easy. "Yes," she smiled.


"Yes, I want to join Pemberley and yes, I will go with you to Pemberley."

"Elizabeth," he sighed. His heart filled to bursting as he crushed her to him, then leaned down to kiss her lips. It was a kiss of adoration, of thankfulness and of joy.

It was amazing to her. She didn't think she could feel any closer to him, yet she did. Together they had faced another hurdle in their relationship, and cleared it. Her heart was filled with such happiness, she couldn't express it.

William's expression dropped a tiny bit, as he recalled something and tried to continue their conversation. "We can talk about moving plans, later, if that's all right with you, my love?"

Elizabeth nodded, her stomach fluttering over the words 'moving plans'.

"What I need to talk about now, is the household." She regarded him as he sighed. "I know you realize that I am the head of the household."

She nodded, "'The Master of Pemberley', I get that. It's kinda sexy, Master," she whispered into his ear.

William grinned and tried to remain on course, but his body was suddenly reminded of their unfinished business from before. "Elizabeth, please," he said, catching her hands in his, "after the meeting, okay?"

She pouted but nodded, "As you wish, Master."

"Believe me, it's not what I wish. I'm going to spend the whole meeting thinking about how I just want to pull up your skirts and take you right there on the table."

Elizabeth eyebrow shot up at this and her hips gave an encouraging wiggle.

"Agh," he groaned. "Oh Elizabeth, what you do to me!" he said in a pained voice. "I used to have a brain."

"I know," she breathed into his ear, her breath tickling him, "I fucked it out of you."

He laughed at this, shaking his head. When he caught his breath, he said warmly, "I adore you."

"I know," she replied cheekily, "but you seemed to want to tell me something about being the Master of Pemberley."

"Okay," his voice returned to normal. "What I need to explain to you is that because you are my lady, and I am the head of the household, you will become the Mistress of Pemberley, upon joining it."

"Oh," Elizabeth said simply. It made sense, but she did not relish the idea of running two houses. "And what exactly would my duties as mistress entail?"

William heard the hesitancy in her voice. He didn't want to be doing this now. He wanted to take her back to bed, but the people milling around the camp reminded him he needed to follow his duty. "Well, we have never had a mistress before, so I can't say precisely," he told her.

"What about Georgianna?"

"She's a lady of Pemberley, but not the mistress," he explained, "Now she will have company in that," he grinned as the thought pleased him.

"What about Ari?"

"Ari's not a lady, she's a squire."

Elizabeth frowned. "I hope you have never let her hear you say that."

William nodded, "You are right, it's just, that's how I think of her."

"Well, that does relieve my mind a bit, but it's still not flattering to her. But moving on!" she didn't want to go off track again. "The question on the floor is duties of the Mistress of Pemberley." Elizabeth frowned thoughtfully. 'Who was she fooling?' She could guess what her duties would be: helping William, settling disputes, being a 'role model' and whatever ceremonial stuff that they might need to do.

The problem was she then would have two households, and a lot of responsibility. She looked up at William, as he waited for her. He understood what she was thinking, she realized. He was aware of what he was asking of her, and he was there for her. She realized she would not be doing this alone. She would never be alone again. William would be there for her, just as she was there for him.

She smiled warmly and kissed his hands that were still holding hers. She asked the only relevant question, "Will Richard or Georgianna be put out by the sudden change?"

William considered. "Georgianna should know this is coming. I will speak to Richard before the meeting, and get his approval." He looked at her intently, "but Pemberley is my house, and it is my decision. He can't veto you."

Elizabeth nodded, "I realize that, but I don't want to cause a rift between you two, if waiting a few days would avoid it," she explained.

"Thank you," he said gratefully.

Twenty minutes later found the Great House of Pemberley assembled under their common tent. They were looking fairly ragged as they sat at the tables, clutching either a coffee mug or a bottle of Gatorade, and munching on the pastries Georgianna had thoughtfully brought out with her from Boston.

William began the meeting, using his 'Master of Pemberley voice,' which Elizabeth understood, but privately found amusing. After a brief welcome, he turned and yielded the floor to Charles who rose and took Jane's hand. "My friends," he said, "I would like to formally introduce to you the Lady Vivienne. She is my lady, as you know, and is staying in our tent."

Then he turned to Jane, "My lady," he asked earnestly, "this is my household and my family. I ask you now, if you will join my house and take your rightful place at my side as a Lady of Pemberley?" His eyes were as serious as his words.

"My lord," she said, her voice soft, yet carrying to the whole group. "It would be a great honor. Yes, I will be happy to join Pemberley."

Charles snatched her up into a big hug, while the rest of the group cheered and hooted. Gabe hooked his arm around Ari's neck and turned to Michael and boasted, "We've got a mom, and you don't," in a singsong voice.

Michael looked at William and then at Elizabeth and said softly, "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

When Charles released Jane, William hugged her as well, saying "Welcome to Pemberley, my lady."

Georgianna stood up and presented Jane with a small bundle. "This is our badge, I made up a couple for you to appliqué on your cloak and whatnot," she said softly.

Jane smiled brightly and thanked her. When the welcomes and congratulations settled down, William once again took the floor. "Elizabeth," he said softly, holding out his hand to her. She rose and joined him.

"When I started this household, four years ago, it was just myself, my brothers and Georgie. I am very, very proud of the way the house has grown. You have always made me very honored, and I can not express the level of esteem I feel for all of you. It is with great, great pleasure that I now share this with you."

"As you all know, I have been preoccupied this year due to a certain woman, who has captured my heart. " He looked at her, "Elizabeth, I have sworn myself to you, now it my greatest pleasure to present my house to you. My lady, I beg of you to take us, Pemberley is yours."

Elizabeth trembled, she knew what had been coming, but did not expect to be so moved by his words. "My dearest lord," she said tightly, "when I gave my heart to you, I did not realize the riches you would offer me. I am unworthy of this great house, and the people in it, but as I love you, and would not be anyplace but your side, I will accept this great honor, and I will be the Mistress of Pemberley." A tear ran down her cheek as she brokenly said the words and accepted the title.

The response was immediate. Charles, Jane and the squires all clapped loudly, while Georgianna looked surprised, and Richard wrapped his arm around her and whispered into her ear.

William embraced Elizabeth, wiping away her tear and whispering, "Well done," into her ear.

When the others started rising to hug Elizabeth, William held them back, telling them to give her some time while she stood leaning against him.

After a minute, Elizabeth took a deep breath and pulled herself together. In a clear voice, she said, "I want to thank you all. This is a new experience for me, but I hope I can count on your help and patience. Vivienne and I would like to invite you all to my other," she frowned at the awkwardness of it, "household, Longbourn, for dinner tonight. It would be our very great delight to feed you all and to get to know you better," she finished smiling.

William looked on with approval. He had no doubts in his mind that his friends would come to love Elizabeth. "Does anyone have anything else they need to say?" he said loudly, "Otherwise, I think we are done here."

Arial stood up. "My lord," she said in a clear voice.

William recognized her and she moved to the front of the tent. Facing Charles, she said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, "My lord, this morning I behaved improperly, causing pain and uneasiness between yourself and your lady," her eyes indicated Jane.

"Arial, don't be upset, the fault was mine for not telling Jane of your presence," Charles comforted her.

"Nevertheless, my lord," she continued, "I am ashamed of my actions and I wish to make amends."

William pulled Elizabeth closer to him and whispered so only she could hear, "Watch this."

"My lord," Arial said, "I wish to be released of my oath to you. I would ask to continue as your student, but to swear my loyalty to your lady."

Jane's jaw dropped at this and Elizabeth felt a wave of sympathy for her. She could remember very well the shock of realizing that with the knight came the squires.

Charles regarded his Arial gravely. "Are you certain you wish to do this?" he asked

"I am."

"I will hold you to your oath to her, just as strongly as I hold you to it now. Stronger even," he reasoned, "I would sooner forgive disobeyance to me, than I would to her."

"I know that, my lord."

"Arial," Jane said softly, "I am greatly honored by your offer, but are you sure? You have only met me this morning."

"My lady," Arial smiled, "I have known your lord for over two years. I have never known a man of greater wisdom or kindness, and I know he could only give his heart to the most worthy of women." She bowed, "It would be an honor to swear to you."

"But I am not a peer," Jane objected.

Arial shook her head serenely. "That does not matter to me, my lady."

"Arial, if it ever came down to following a direct order of mine, or a conflicting order of my lady's, whose would you follow?"

Arial smiled so brightly, she almost giggled. "My lord, I very, very much doubt that you two could ever be in conflict." The room responded to that with general agreement, "But I would follow the directions of my lady."

Charles looked at Jane, silently communicating with his eyes. Only Elizabeth and Charles could read the slight affirmative signal she gave him. Then he turned to his student. "Arial, your belt," he said simply, holding out his hands.

She unbuckled the red belt that was a symbol of her rank as a squire, and handed it to him.

"Arial le Argent, I release you from your vow of obedience to me." He turned then to Jane and said formally, "My lady Vivienne, I offer you now my most worthy student Arial, who has always served me well."

Jane accepted the belt and draping it over her shoulder, she turned to Arial and held out her hands. The smaller woman dropped to her knees, and placing her hands between Jane's said, "My lady Vivienne, I swear to you that I will be your servant and be loyal to you in all things. In return, I humbly ask that you instruct me in the ways of gentleness and honor."

Jane said solumly, "Lady Arial, it is with joy and honor that I accept your oath. I swear to you here, before our family, that I will teach you to the best of my abilities and help you in all ways to gain the recognition you deserve."

Arial stood and Jane belted her, then hugged the woman.

"Arial," William said when they separated, "If you would like, I would be happy to paint your lady's arms on your belt."

Her face lit up in a smile, "Thank you sir, I would like that very much."

Elizabeth grinned at William, "Have paints will travel?"

William shrugged, "I have some projects in mind," he said simply.

Elizabeth caught his eye, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you want me to see that?"

"Because that's why Ari is going to be a Knight. She can see a problem, and acts quickly to correct it."

Elizabeth nodded in understanding.

The meeting broke up with many hugs and congratulations. Elizabeth insisted that she needed to be excused to go to Longbourn. She expected that her aunt and uncle were already there and she wanted to check on Lydia.

William said he would come along. "What about Georgianna," Elizabeth asked, her face concerned. "I think she might need some brother time."

William looked over to see Georgianna standing slightly apart from the others, Michael standing at her back, looking withdrawn. "I see your point," he agreed. "Maybe she would like to come with us. She could meet your sisters."

Elizabeth wasn't sure about this idea, but she felt that William would know his sister better than her, so she nodded, and soon Elizabeth, William, Georgianna and Jane were walking to Longbourn. Jane looked a bit shell shocked, and Elizabeth put her arm around her. "I have a squire, Lizzy," she said, quietly amazed.

"Congratulations, its a girl!" Elizabeth teased.

"Do you have a squire?" She asked.

"I don't think so," Elizabeth frowned. "No one has sworn themselves to me. But Michael has said he wishes to learn the 'arts of gentility' from me." She smiled, "I know it's a little weird and nothing like what we are used to, but it will be all right."

"Oh, I know," Jane agreed, "Charles would never do this if it wouldn't be okay."

When they reached Longbourn, they found it was a sea of activity. A trio of mini vans and a pick-up were parked on the grounds while six children ran amuck, laughing and screaming. "JANE!" went out the cry as the children saw her and immediately descended on her and Elizabeth like locusts.

After greeting them all, Jane turned to the Darcys. "Children, these are our friends, William and Georgianna." Pointing to the children, she identified each one, with their parents.

Elizabeth extracted herself from the happy mob and walked William and Georgianna to the common tent, where they found her aunt and Kitty.

Elizabeth quickly introduced Kitty to Georgianna, hoping that they would hit it off, being close in age. Kitty smiled friendlily, but Georgianna ducked her head and was very quiet in her few responses.

Elizabeth told her aunt about the plans for the dinner guests and received assurances that it would be fine. She then asked Kitty about Lydia's whereabouts.

"She's at the shower house."

Elizabeth nodded. "I better check in my tent," she turned to leave when Kitty stopped her.

"Don't bother, Lydia didn't use it."


"I was up early this morning when Catalina and Tanaris came in and I saw Lydia doing the 'walk of shame'."

"Wonderful," Elizabeth sighed shaking her head. "Her first night at Pennsic."

"'Walk of Shame'?" William asked.

Kitty smirked, "You know, it's that walk you do when you wake up in a stranger's tent, who you probably don't even remember his name, and you try and walk as casually as you can back to camp, so that everyone will think that you were just going to the bathroom." Kitty demonstrated the walk, keeping a hand to the side of her face so she couldn't make eye contact, while the others laughed, even Georgianna.

"Well, I hope she wasn't stupid," Elizabeth sighed.

"I wasn't," Lydia snapped as she entered the tent. "He wasn't even a stranger," she sneered. "I've seen him around before. So don't be getting all high and mighty with me, Lizzy."

"What was his name?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh, um, Oliver or something like that," she laughed, "I don't really remember. But I'm going to see him tonight! He's in a camp at the bottom of that steep hill, what's that called?"

"Runestone hill?"

"Yeah, that's the one, anyway he wants to see me again tonight." She sounded very pleased with herself.

"We are having a dinner party tonight, Lydia." Elizabeth told her, "You can visit him afterwards, but I'd like you to be here for dinner."

"Do I have too?" she whined.

"No, you don't have too, but I would like you to meet the rest of the camp and William's and Charles' household as well."

Lydia rolled her eyes, "All right, all right, I'll be here."

"And I'm using my tent tonight, so you will have to sleep in your own."

"Whatever!" she huffed and exited the tent.

Elizabeth rubbed her forehead and turned to William, "Well, that went nicely," she commented sarcastically.

William shook his head, "Don't worry about it."

They spent the rest of the afternoon meeting the members of Longbourn and setting up the camp. The dinner party went exceptionally well, with the high point of the evening being the Squires tutoring the children in toy sword fighting technique. William was devoted to Elizabeth throughout the evening, but both of them noticed Georgianna withdrawing from the group.

Finally William turned to Elizabeth. "I think I need to talk to Georgie."

"I do too." Elizabeth nodded. "Take her back to Pemberley, talk it out, and I'll wait for you here."

He kissed her lightly and left


"Is something bothering you?" William asked hesitantly as they entered her tent. His sister was his dearest companion, but it was still very hard for them to talk about their feelings.

"Why would you think that?" she said coldly.

"Because you've been avoiding everyone all evening. I understand you are uncomfortable around strangers, Georgie, but you were even avoiding Richard and the squires."

"How kind of you to notice," she observed, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "I'm amazed you did, being that you were up Elizabeth's butt all evening!" Her voice rose in anger.

William resisted the impulse to roll his eyes. He knew she was hurting and that was provoking her anger. "Georgie, can we talk about this?"

"What is there to talk about? I come here and find you all bedded down with her and well, I guess it just sucks to be me, for all you care!"

"Georgie! Would I be here, talking to you if I didn't care?" he demanded.

Georgianna pouted, but didn't say anything. "As for being 'bedded down' as you put it, yes, I am sleeping with Elizabeth." He paused and his tone softened. "I'm sorry if that bothers you. I love her, Georgie, I hoped you could understand."

Her face was still angry, "This is the same woman you were pouring scotch down your throat over just a month ago, is it not?"

"Yes," William acknowledged. "It seems like a lifetime ago. So much has changed, it is hard for me to realize how fast this has all come about."

"What happened?"

William smiled, "My wise, dear sister gave me some good advice. She told me to open up, and let Elizabeth see the real me. I did that, and we have talked on the phone every day since she came to Pemberley." He shrugged. "I came here with no expectations, but once we were together, we were able to work out the issues that remained between us and things just progressed from there."

"Are you happy?"

William grinned, "Do you really have to ask that?" Georgianna tilted her head in an indifferent way. "Yes, I am very, very happy. I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life."

Georgianna nodded. "I'm glad for you, William." Her voice caught.

William took her into his arms. "Then why are you sad?" he asked tenderly.

"Because," she moved her head in an unhappy fashion. "I don't want to lose you."

"Georgie, you could never lose me!" he said warmly. "I do love Elizabeth, but that doesn't mean I love you any less. You are my sister, and will always be so special to me." He looked into her eyes and shook her gently, "Always. Never forget it!"

Georgianna nodded and rested her head against his shoulder. "I knew that, I just needed to hear it."

William nodded with understanding. "It's hard, isn't it? You are moving out for the first time, and that's pretty scary." He squeezed her tightly. "I am going to miss you, Georgie."

"Really? Even with Elizabeth moving in?"

"How did you know I asked Elizabeth to move in?"

Georgianna smiled and shook his head with her hand. "I know you William, once you take someone close to your heart, you never let them go."

William grinned ruefully, "Yes, even with Elizabeth moving in, I will miss you very, very much. And I'm not going to ignore you this week either! Anytime you need some time alone with me, just tell me, okay?"

Georgianna smiled, "I will, thanks." She bit her lip, "I do understand, you know, the need for someone else to love."

William looked at her. "Good, I'm glad." He had no idea what she was talking about.

"I sometimes feel lonely too."


"And as special as you are to me, and Charles and Richard and Mrs. R, it's a loneliness that calls for someone else."

"Oh," William frowned. "Are you trying to tell me there is someone," he rolled his hands looking for the right words to express himself, "in your life?" He faced her, "Someone I should know about?"

Georgianna frowned and shook her head, "Not yet, but I do want you to know that there will be, someday, I hope."

William smiled, relieved, but he didn't quite know at what, "Oh, yes. Someday, I'm sure you will meet a ....someone," he said nervously. "And I'm sure you will be very happy."

Georgianna grinned privately. She felt sorry for William. He was making no sense at all, but she knew his concern was solely motivated by love. She yawned for his benefit. "I'm glad we talked, William. I feel better."

"Me too, Georgie, you know you can talk with me anytime, don't you?"

"I do," she nodded. "I think I'm going to go to sleep now. I've been up a long time." She stretched and rose, gathering up her toiletries bag. "Maybe tomorrow, you, me and Elizabeth can do something, just the three of us." She smiled, "A Darcy family activity."

William hugged her again. "Thank you for understanding, Georgie."

"I'm just glad you are happy. You are sleeping over there tonight?"

William nodded.

"Have fun," she waggled her eyebrows at him.

William chuckled. "Good night, Georgie,"

"Goodnight William, see you in the morning."

William Darcy felt very content as he walked back to the place were he started, the best place in the world for him, Elizabeth's arms.

* This is true. There are no female Knights in the East Kingdom, but almost every other Kingdom has one.

Part 18

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