Longbourn and Pemberley
Go to War

  Chapter 27

Definition: Emprise A formalized tournament in the style of the 15th century.

Tuesday August 14, 2001

Elizabeth awoke and opened her eyes to see William watching her. She couldn't tell how long he had been awake, but it had clearly been awhile. There was a quietness about him that she noticed right away. It wasn't that he hadn't spoken. Neither of them had done that yet. It was his eyes. They were distant, subdued. Elizabeth could tell something was bothering him, so she waited for him to tell her.

He didn't. Instead he kissed her, softly and sweetly. His kisses expressed an intense love that warmed her and brought a smile to her face. Then he pulled back, and said, "I've been thinking," in the emotionless way that he used to hide behind when he was dealing with something important to him.

Elizabeth reached up to play with the curls on his forehead. "And?" she said gently.

He pulled her close to him, kissing her again, this time with a greater potency. Then, frowning slightly, he moved above her. "Elizabeth, can I?" His eyes asked what his words could not. Elizabeth opened herself to him. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I can't wait," he apologized as he eased inside of her. She didn't mind. Her body was more than ready to accept him, at literally a moment's notice, but she wondered what could be bothering him so much that he needed to do this.

She felt him move in easy, pleasant, warm strokes that were like treading water. His eyes were pouring into her, questioning her, and she opened herself entirely to him, letting the love she felt for him fill her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked as tenderly as she could.

His eyes warmed and the distance between them dropped, as a tiny smile curled his mouth. He took a deep breath and stilled their bodies. "I need to ask you something," he said in a small voice.

Elizabeth nodded patiently, as her body thrilled to the feel of him embedded deep inside of her.

"I love you," he continued, "and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

Elizabeth smiled radiantly, "I thought we already settled this," she said warmly, her body feeling blissful with his presence, even as she sought to find the cause of his unease.

William thrust deeply into her, stealing her breath, then held still. "No," he said as she gasped, "I mean, I want to do this formally." Holding her tight, his body deeply inside of hers, his eyes full of more emotions than she could understand, he asked in a desperate voice, "Elizabeth, please, will you marry me?

"Yes," she cried out, suddenly understanding his actions. Her heart leaped in her chest as she gasped at him.

"Say it again," he growled as he thrust into her.

"Yes, my love, yes!" She moaned as he continued his rhythmic assault on her equilibrium.

He gathered her upper body tightly into his arms and held her close as he thrust into her, his mouth speaking soft words of love into her ear which at that moment she did not hear. She was lost in him, and the only way home was through him.

He rode her to his release, taking her with him in a hot, sweaty, messy orgasm that left her struggling for air. While she lay still, spent and oblivious, she could vaguely perceive him moving about the tent. He returned to her and caught her up in his arms.

"This is for you," he said softly, taking her left hand and sliding a ring onto her finger.

Elizabeth was dumbfounded. She didn't know if she should laugh or cry or scream from joy or rage. In the end, she opened her eyes to find him watching her with such nervousness, that she smiled and pulled him closer. "That was different," she breathed after a moment, kissing him on the temple.

He relaxed against her, "You're not mad?" he asked carefully.

She shook her head, and nuzzled her face against his, "Just a little surprised."

"Did you like my method of persuading you?"

She gave a puff of laughter, "It was very effective." She grinned, "Tell me, do you use that technique at work a lot?"

He grinned back at her, "No, this is exclusively for you."

"I see I have a problem, then," she said, rubbing her nose against his, "I won't be able to deny you anything. It's unfair."

"No, it's not," he protested, still linked at the nose. "It is fair, I can't deny you anything either."

"I love you," she sighed. "You didn't have to be so nervous." She reached up to touch his face and caught sight of the ring he gave her. A large, round ruby of the darkest red glowed at her from a gold band. She gasped at it.

"Do you like it?" he asked. "I know it's not a diamond, but you always remind me of fire. I thought this would be perfect for you."

"William," she said, her eyes traveling from the ring to his eyes and back. "It's incredible. It's so beautiful."

"It's one of the Darcy rings. The other one is a diamond set in platinum, but," he shrugged, "my mother wore this ring," he said softly, his voice thick with a mixture of love and pride. "And three other Darcy brides, before that," his kissed her fingertips. "You will be the fifth, my love."

Elizabeth smiled brightly, "And did you use the traditional Darcy proposal technique?" she asked saucily.

"I don't think so," he shook his head, "I think that was my own invention." He grinned, "but then again, with the Darcys you never know." He took her into his arms, "We are a passionate lot," he added and he kissed her laughter away.


They emerged a few minutes later, dressed in their shower clothes, happy and smiling. William walked Elizabeth to the commons and sat her at the table, then brought her a mug and served her coffee. He saw that Gabe and Ari were on breakfast duty, and addressed them, "How's breakfast going?"

"Good," Gabe answered in a doubtful tone.

"I want you to serve my lady right away." He looked warmly at Elizabeth, who grinned embarrassedly. Then William kissed her and went to get cleaned up.

Charles caught up with him outside of camp. "Will, today's the day," he told him nervously. At William's confused glance, he explained, "I'm going to ask Jane."

William nodded, and smiled contentedly at his friend. "I'm very happy for you, Charles."

Charlie studied him a second. "You proposed to Lizzy, didn't you?" Charles exclaimed. William looked away, trying to appear innocent. "You bastard! When?"

"This morning," William replied with a huge grin.

"Congratulations!" Charles said, hugging William tightly. "That's great!" He paused thoughtfully, "Do you think we can get Lizzy to help with Jane?"

William nodded, "Elizabeth would do anything for Jane, you know that."

Together they walked back into camp to find to William's dismay, Elizabeth and Jane cooking breakfast for the household. William's face was void of expression when he walked to Elizabeth and asked her quietly, "What are you doing?"

Elizabeth looked up with a puzzled frown. "I'm making pancakes." William continued to stare until Elizabeth put her spatula down, asking Georgie to take over and they walked across the grass until they were out of earshot of the camp. "Okay, what is the problem?" she demanded.

"Why were you cooking?"

"Because that's what I do!" She exclaimed, "Why do you have a problem with it? Why are you so angry at me?"

William started and pulled back. "I'm not," he said slowly. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I'm not angry at you. It's just that this is a special day, and I wanted you to take it easy and be waited on."

Elizabeth rested her forehead on her palm, then sighed, "If you want people to wait on me, my love, I suggest you take me to a restaurant." She pulled her hair back from her face, "As much as I like the squires, they can't cook, and if you think I'm going to sit by and let them ruin a pile of food while people are hungry-"

"No," He interrupted her, "I know you can't do that." He reached out and touched her upper arm, rubbing it gently, "That's never been your way. I'm sorry I reacted like that." He looked truly depressed, "I never want to fight with you, Elizabeth, especially not today."

Somehow they were back in each other's arms. "Why do we disagree so much?" William asked. "Charles and Jane don't."

"Because it's our nature, my love," Elizabeth explained, her hands soothing his shoulders. "Jane and Charles are different than us." She paused, thinking. "They are like silk fibers. They are smooth, and soft and they are easily woven together to make cloth." She pulled back enough to look into his eyes. "You and me, we are like wool fibers. We are curled and rough, and it takes more time and effort to weave us together." She smiled at him, "But once we are woven, our cloth will be very, very strong and warm. And you know what happens to wool when it's subjected to moisture and agitation," she wiggled slightly and winked, "We will become like felt, and then no one and nothing will ever be able to separate us!"

William regarded her with a look of pure adoration. Then he kissed her and whispered, "Thank you," before walking her back to breakfast.

Elizabeth waited, to see if anyone would notice her ring while she ate. William hadn't made an announcement yet, and she was willing to follow his lead and see what would happen. It was Georgianna who first saw it. Her eyes got wide as she looked from the ring, to William, and back. William gave her a tiny smile and a nod, and the girl stood up and rushed around the table to embrace Elizabeth. "Oh Lizzy! I'm so happy for you!" This caught Jane's attention and started a chain reaction of hugs and congratulations.

The last person to congratulate her was Richard, who embraced her firmly. "I'm very happy, for both of you," he said sincerely. "Welcome to the family, Elizabeth." She was both surprised and touched by his words. And she realized that as with William, she had been wrong in her first impression of him.

"Thank you, Richard," she said warmly.

Charles stood up and cleared his throat, "Okay, this morning is the Order of St. Michael's emprise. Let's get ready. Full dress everyone, we've got one hour."

Elizabeth grabbed Jane's hand as the crowd broke up. "Do you think we have time for a quick shower?" Jane nodded, and as they moved towards the tents, Georgianna caught up to them. "Here! These are for you!" she said, thrusting a bundle towards them.

"What is this, Georgie?" Jane asked.

"Heraldic surcoats," Georgianna explained. "Charles said it was full dress today. I hope I got the sizes right." Elizabeth and Jane each held up a matching blue and white sideless surcoat with the arms of Pemberley worked on them.

"Georgie, you made these for us?" Elizabeth asked.

"I thought you might need them." She smiled brightly, "Think of them as your 'welcome to Pemberley' gift." Then her face dropped, "If you need something to wear under them, I can help."

"No, no," Jane assured her. "I have a blue gown that will be perfect. Lizzy?"

Elizabeth frowned, "Do you think my gold gown would work?"

Jane nodded, "Yes, that will be pretty," she turned to Georgianna, "Thank you, this is so kind of you." Georgianna smiled. "We are going to the showers, do you want to come along?"

"No, I'm okay, thanks. I took one last night." The girl turned away then turned back, "Don't forget to bring favors for Charles and William."

Elizabeth quickly took her shower, then went to Longbourn to dress. She walked from her tent, her hair loose to find William waiting for her. He was wearing his armor and over that a tabard with his arms. His helm and weapons were nowhere to be seen, but Elizabeth guessed that Michael was carrying them. He smiled lovingly at her and said, "You look beautiful, my lady."

"Thank you," she replied, twirling in a circle and smiling at him. "I just have to put my hair up and I'll be set." A short time later, Elizabeth's hair was bound in a white net and her silver circlet was around her brow.

William's eyes traveled over her, from her feet in her soft leather shoes, to the surcoat, to her gown that accented her curves, to her smiling mouth and bright, intelligent eyes. She was so beautiful, and the ring on her finger publicly proclaimed that she was his.

"Would you like my favor now, or do you want to wait until we go to the field?" she asked.

"Wait," he told her, "we are going to have a little ceremony when we get there."

"Ceremony?" she asked uncertainly.

"Can you keep a secret?" he asked smiling. Elizabeth nodded. "Charles is going to propose to Jane."

Elizabeth grinned. "Oh! That's wonderful! Oh! I'm so happy for them!"

William looked uncomfortable, "I hope you don't mind that I, that we didn't..."

"You hope that I don't mind that you didn't propose on the battlefield?" she said, lifting a brow archly. "No," she grinned, "I don't think the 'Darcy technique' is really well suited to a crowded battlefield."

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I was just . . . "

"Nervous? Terrified? I could see that." She put her arms on his shoulders, clasping her hands behind his neck. "But I don't know why. I told you I was yours, and that I would move in with you. I don't understand why you were so afraid?"

His eyes were sad when he looked into hers, "Because the first time I proposed, the answer was no."

Elizabeth was confused, "William, you never proposed to me at War Camp. I was upset and I missed some of what you said, but I would have remembered that!"

"No, not at War Camp," he said quietly, "Not you."

Elizabeth's eyes widened. "There was someone else?"

William nodded, "It was a long time ago, I was twenty, and in college." His voice was low and distant. "I was in love, and I thought she loved me too."

Elizabeth waited, but he didn't say anything more. As she closed her eyes, another puzzle piece fell into place. He had been rejected before. His heart broken. She realized that was why he was so careful with her. He didn't want to make a mistake again, to feel the pain of rejection again. She pulled his head to hers and kissed him, slowly, with great love and affection. He was an enigma: this big, strong knight, standing before her in shining armor, who was at the same time, so needful of her and her love. Power and vulnerability: it was a devastating combination. Elizabeth knew that while William had fallen for her first, she had since caught up, and now loved him with just as great an intensity and need.

"My lord," she said reassuringly, "thank you for sharing that." She squeezed him tightly, then said in a less intimate tone, "I believe we are expected on the battlefield, my lord."

With a warm smile that was only for her, William offered Elizabeth his arm and together they walked to the gates of Pemberley, where they met up with the rest of the household. Elizabeth and William took their spot at the head of the procession, just behind the banner, followed by Charles and Jane, and Richard and Georgie. The four squires followed behind them. The fighters were all in their armor and surcoats, while the ladies of Pemberley wore the matching dresses.

The sun shone down brightly and a breeze blew as they walked proudly to the battlefield. This was the first formal tournament Elizabeth had been to as a member of Pemberley. When they made their way to the smaller tourney field, Elizabeth was surprised to see most of Longbourn there. She grinned, figuring that William had told them about Charles' plan.

The household formed a line inside the battlefield. Duke Philip, who had organized the tournament stepped forward and welcomed William warmly.

"Before we begin," William said in his loud voice as he moved into the center of the field, "we have some business to take care of." He looked to Elizabeth, "My lady?" he beckoned.

Elizabeth walked to his side, smiling warmly as her skirts trailed on the grass. William took her hand, and said "Today I asked, and was given, this lady's promise. My lords and ladies, I give you my fiancee and the Mistress of Pemberley, Lady Elizabeth Bennet."

Smiling brightly, Elizabeth received the cheers of the crowd, especially from her family and friends. Once the noise had settled down, William turned to her, and said in a voice that was loud enough for everyone to hear, "My lady, I find myself asking for one more thing," he grinned. "Will you give me your favor to fight for this day?"

Elizabeth was ready for this. In her clear teacher's voice, she said, "It seems appropriate, having given you the promise of my hand, that I now give you my left glove, the hand of love, embroidered with my monogram, for you to wear as a sign of my favor for you, and to remind you to fight honorably and well." She smiled as she tucked the glove onto his belt. William kissed her lightly, much to the delight of the spectators.

Before William could walk off the field, Elizabeth stopped him, and said, "I have one more glove." She held up the glove as everyone laughed. "Sir Richard Fitzwilliam," she said loudly, "Could you please come here?"

Smiling, yet uncertain, Richard walked to her, and Elizabeth spoke, "Sir Richard, I have come to know of the great kindness you have shown me and my family, in protecting us during our recent difficulties." She smiled, "I have also come to realize that you are a devoted friend, and want only the best for our household." Richard looked at her, patiently waiting. "And so, I would like to offer you my other glove, the hand of friendship, as a sign of my respect for you."

Visibly moved, Richard took the glove from her hand, and kissed Elizabeth on the cheek, while giving her his thanks. She could not see William, who was standing behind her with tears in his eyes. She did, however, hear the spontaneous applause that erupted.

Arms linked around each other, the three walked back to the sideline, and William, grinning, said, "Charles, you're on."

Charles silently walked Jane to the center of the field, then knelt before her. Elizabeth grabbed William's hand in hers and held it tightly as she watched. The wind was blowing Charles' curls into a freeform dance as his clear blue eyes looked into Jane's. "My Lady," he began, "since the day I met you, my life has been changed. You have brought to me a joy and happiness that I had never believed was possible. With you, I have known the greatest love, and apart from you, I found the deepest despair. Jane, I love you, and always shall. You complete me and inspire me. It is my greatest wish that you will agree to be my wife, and spend the rest of your life with me. Jane, my love, will you marry me?"

Jane closed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears of emotion that had pooled there. With a quivering voice, she answered "Charles, oh yes, Charles. I love you," and fell into his arms, where he caught her up and covered her face with kisses. To the roar of the crowd, they rose, and Charles slipped a ring onto Jane's finger, then embraced her again. Beaming with joy, they walked towards William and Elizabeth. Elizabeth caught Jane in a tight hug, as Jane cried softly on her shoulder, saying, "It's too much! By far too much. I do not deserve it. Oh! why is not everybody as happy?"

Elizabeth looked at her sister lovingly, "Jane, no one deserves as much happiness as you. I'm so glad!" When she released Jane, they found their lovers waiting for them, and each took their place by his side.

Duke Philip walked back onto the field, "Well, this seems a bit anticlimactic. Are you sure you wish to fight today?" Grinning at the expected reaction he received, he continued. "Sir Fitzwilliam, you have laid down a challenge? Would you please repeat it?"

William said loudly, "I said that the Lady Elizabeth Bennet of Pemberley is the most lovely woman in Christendom. I offer the strength of my arm and my house to support my word. Let any man who disagrees, take up arms against me."

Elizabeth blushed. She had no idea she was the focus of the tournament. It was a common thing for knights in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries to makes such boasts. They were formalized challenges, and the 'reason' for the tournament, although it was really just a device. Elizabeth doubted that any man who would fight today would seriously object to William's assertion. Duke Philip read off the names of the first five fighters who would be challenging Pemberley. While everyone prepared to fight, Elizabeth, Jane and Georgianna were walked to the Pemberley canopy, where they could watch the proceedings.

As soon as the men departed, the women dissolved into happy giggles, examining Jane's ring and asking who knew what. Soon they were joined by Kitty and their aunt, who congratulated them warmly. Elizabeth doubted she had ever felt so happy.


When the tournament was over, two hours later, and William had crowned Elizabeth with a wreath of roses, the group made their way back to Pemberley in a less organized fashion, trailing along in small bunches. Elizabeth relayed to William an invitation her aunt had made for Pemberley to join Longbourn for dinner, to celebrate the engagements. William smiled and nodded his agreement.

"We are going to have to do something," she said softly. "This two house thing is just not going to cut it when we get married." A dopey smile passed over her face as she said that. Married! She was going to marry William!

"You're right," he agreed, his voice breaking her out of her pleasant fantasy land. "Do you have any suggestions on what to do?" he asked her carefully.

She frowned, "I don't know. I mean, Longbourn is so different from Pemberley. We don't formally ask people to join, we aren't a big family, we don't wear our arms," she tugged lightly at her surcoat. "I mean, heck, we don't even have a single fighter. We are a family camp with children."

"Pemberley may have children in a few years," he said softly.

Elizabeth looked at him suddenly, her eyes widening with the implications. "You're right," she said softly, "I hadn't thought of that."

With great tenderness he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, then gently put his armored arm around her shoulders. Elizabeth felt so much love, she thought she would cry again. Giving his hand a squeeze, she returned her thoughts to the question of Longbourn. "I don't want to leave Longbourn, these are my friends and family, but I can't do this two camp thing either."

Not looking directly at her, William said "How would you feel about inviting all of Longbourn to join Pemberley?"

Elizabeth studied him. "You would do that?" she asked, touched by the offer.

William smiled as he sighed, "I keep telling you, I would do anything for you." He grinned, "You don't even have to use the 'Darcy technique' on me."

Elizabeth grinned back. "But would the rest of Pemberley go for it?" she wondered. "I'm not sure how they are going to feel about the kids and all."

"When you think about it, " William said reasonably, "I think Pemberley would love it. They already go over to Longbourn for for half of their meals."

Elizabeth laughed, "I noticed that."

William shrugged, "Don't worry about it. I spoke to your aunt and gave her some money to pay for the food. She wouldn't take anything for the labor. She said she likes having them come."

Elizabeth nodded, "Yes, she would." Then she gave him a look of gratitude. "That was very thoughtful."

William shrugged, "You are rubbing off on me. Anyway, the kids aren't an issue, the squires like them, and as I said, with two married couples, it probably won't be long before Pemberley has children of its own."

Elizabeth considered. "Well, I have to admit it's a good suggestion. But Longbourn isn't going to go for all the oaths of loyalty and regalia."

"We can do it the other way then: have Pemberley join Longbourn. That way the knightly household remains, but no one has to feel obliged to join it."

"If the Longbourn people want to join Pemberley, would they be welcomed?"

"Of course," Darcy agreed easily.

Elizabeth smiled brightly. "William, I think we have worked this out!" She felt ecstatic. William kissed her and picked her up to hug her tightly, until she made a 'oof' sound and reminded him he was still in armor.

At the dinner party, they brought up the idea to both camps and were surprised at how well it was received and how quickly it was adopted. Longbourn and Pemberley were to be united as one.


Wednesday, August 15, 2001

It was just a fluke. Bad timing really. Elizabeth woke up early to a full bladder, due no doubt to the amount of mead she had consumed the night before. Promising William she would be right back, she slipped on one of his tunics and padded out to the port-a-pottie. When she came back, she saw Charles, presumably on the same errand, but his face wasn't as light and cheerful as usual. Elizabeth followed his eyes down the row of tents to see Michael emerging from Georgianna's tent and entering his own, near by.

Elizabeth looked back to Charles, her eyes inquiring. "Did you know about this?" she asked softly.

Charles nodded. "It's been going on since the incident with Wickham."

Elizabeth did some fast math, Sunday night? "Have you spoken to either of them?"

"No," he replied, "It's not my business." He gave her a look that told her he didn't think it was Elizabeth's business either.

"Does William know?"

Charles shook his head. "And I'm not going to tell him."

Elizabeth chewed on her lip as she walked back to William's tent. 'Their tent,' she corrected herself. William had asked if he could paint her arms on it yesterday. "Communal property," he had told her with a broad grin.

It was a testament to their relationship that Elizabeth never even considered not telling William what she had seen that morning. If she knew it, he must know it as well. It was as simple as that. They were a unit, united, one.

She crawled back into the warmth of his embrace with a contented sigh. Without opening his eyes, his lips sought her out and he kissed her happily. Then he opened both eyes and asked, "What's wrong?" in a concerned voice.

"It's nothing," Elizabeth said, not even bothering to wonder how he knew.

He fixed his eyes on hers and waited.

"Did you know Georgie has a boyfriend?" she asked, seeing no hope in avoiding the topic until a more pleasant hour.

"No," William frowned, "but I'm not very surprised; she kind of hinted at it the other night." He yawned. "Who is it?"

"Michael," she answered simply, pleased that William was still calm.

William's right eyebrow shot up in surprise, then he thought and nodded. "I can see it now," he said thoughtfully, "they have been hovering around each other all week." He looked to Elizabeth puzzled. "How did you find out?"

Elizabeth took a deep breath, "I saw him coming out of her tent just now."

William was silent. She could feel his body tensing up and becoming rigid. "Are you certain?" he asked quietly.

Elizabeth nodded, as she pulled her body close to him, to remind him not to force her out. "Charles saw it too and told me they have been an item since Sunday." She shrugged, "We were too busy with everything to notice, I guess."

William could feel his jaw growing tight. He didn't like this at all. He bit back his initial reaction. "Elizabeth, what do you think we should do?" he asked, trusting in her greater experience with sisters.

Elizabeth relaxed, relieved that he hadn't already gone out to kill someone. "Well, if it were my sister, -"

"Which she is."

"Which she is, I wouldn't say anything," she said carefully. "Michael seems like a good man, and I know I wouldn't want my sisters butting into my sex life."

"Elizabeth, I know it is not rational, but could we please not use that word."

Elizabeth nodded understandingly. "But," she hedged, "my sisters have all been raised in a household in which my parents believed that ignorance is more dangerous than knowledge, and we all know we can talk to each other if we need to."

William digested this, "What do you think we should do?"

Elizabeth pondered, "How about this? I will talk to her this morning, and we will deal with the results."

"And Michael?"

"He's your problem. What do you think would be appropriate?"

William sighed, "Nothing for now, until he says something to me." Elizabeth nodded in agreement, "but I don't like it."

"I know," she said lightly stroking his chest, playing with the soft fur she found there. "But in a way, I do. It's good to see Georgianna getting over Wickham, and Michael does seem like a very good guy." She shrugged, "I couldn't find a better boyfriend for her."

"I really didn't need to know they were sleeping together."

"Oh please!" Elizabeth exclaimed. "Hate to break this to you, stud, but she's got that Darcy sex drive too." She grinned wickedly, "And I know what that's like."

"What?" William was willing to allow himself to be distracted. "It's not like you never had impure thoughts about me," he said mockingly.

"Oh never," she assured him, then laughed, "William, I was getting off on you back in February. You are a very hot man."

"Oh really?" he replied, obviously pleased. "And I thought it was just me."

Elizabeth giggled, "You even invaded my dreams," she purred seductively.

"Elizabeth," he said, his eyes dark, "I have dreamt about you almost every night since I met you."

Her eyes darkened as well, her heart touched, and she reached for him, the time for words being over.


After breakfast, Elizabeth asked Georgianna to take a walk with her. William told Michael to escort the ladies. The young man looked displeased; it was almost time to get ready for the bridge battle, but a look from William informed him he was going.

Elizabeth strolled casually down the road, walking past the encampments, all of which were now full and active. All around her, she could sense people preparing for the upcoming battle.

Elizabeth had tried to figure out what she was going to say, but in the end, she just laid it flat out on the table. "Georgie, I saw Michael coming out of your tent this morning," she said directly. "Charles told me you two have been together all week." She paused to look at the girl.

Georgianna's face was an expressionless mask. 'Oh, yeah,' she thought, 'She's a Darcy'. "Now, I'm not judging you. In fact, I think it's a good thing, but I do need to know that you are being safe."

Georgianna's eyes flicked to Elizabeth's in surprise. Then she looked back at Michael, who said nothing, but reached out and caught her hand in his own. "Yes," Georgianna said softly, "We are being safe."

Elizabeth nodded, satisfied. That was the hard part. "Michael, if you wish, you can leave now."

He shook his head, "I'm staying with my lady."

The threesome rearranged themselves so they could walk abreast. "Does William know?" Michael asked quietly.

Elizabeth nodded. "But he has resolved not to say anything unless you bring it up."

"He's okay with this?" Georgianna asked, surprised.

"He's okay. It's going to take some time for him to get used to the idea of his baby sister being an adult, and he's not thrilled with the idea of you sleeping with anyone, but he's okay."

"I'm not a baby," Georgianna insisted.

"I know you are not," Elizabeth said soothingly. "That's why this conversation is going the way it is, as opposed to the one I can imagine you had last year."

Georgianna nodded.

"Now, I just want to say one more thing," Elizabeth said, "You never had sisters before, Georgie, and I want you to know if you need anyone to talk to, about anything, you can come to me, or Jane, or Kitty, if that would be easier."

"I know about sex," she said defensively.

"I'm not saying you don't, and please, do me a favor, and don't say that around William. I'm just offering a little girl talk. No inquires, no judgments."

Georgianna regarded her, then softly said, "Thank you, Elizabeth." She turned to Michael and told him, "Why don't you go back to camp. I'll be back before you leave for the battle."

He smiled and gave her a quick kiss and hurried away.

"He's very cute, isn't he? " Elizabeth offered.

Georgianna sighed, "He's wonderful."

"Are you in love?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I'm definitely in lust, though," she giggled, shocked at herself.

Elizabeth grinned. "Have you been seeing him long?" she asked.

"Not really, I mean, we saw each other, and we spent a lot of time staring at each other, but neither one of us said anything until the Great Northern War." She lifted her shoulders in an expressive way, "Then we were walking together, and he just leaned over and kissed me, and that was that," she smiled. "We started talking, and found that we had both been attracted to each other for a long time, and it took off from there."

"That's wonderful, Georgie. I'm happy for you."

"I am too," she blushed, "he's so special and nice and funny. When I think about what a creep that Wickham was, Ick!"

Elizabeth grinned as they turned back to the camp. She was pleased she would be able to give nothing but good news to William.


Elizabeth entered Pemberley after dressing for Eastern court at Longbourn. She was glad the day had been overcast and cool, otherwise she would not have been able to wear what she had planned. She was dressed in an Italian renaissance gown. Her breasts were pushed up slightly by the red velvet bodice that tightly enclosed them. Her waist and hips were hidden by the full skirt that attached to the bodice in pleats. Under the velvet gown, she had on a cool white linen chemise, that was soft and fine against her skin. Elizabeth was the most proud of her sleeves, which tied onto the gown at the shoulders and were made of a contrasting gold. She and Jane had heavily embroidered them with silk and beads. Her hair was in a long straight braid running down her back with pearls woven though it.

The painting Elizabeth based her gown on is here

She was very pleased with the work she had done on the gown, and looked forward to William's reaction.

It was not disappointing. He stood when he saw her and stared, his mouth hanging open. Elizabeth smiled and turned in a slow circle for him, waiting for him to say something. "My lady," he breathed in admiration. "You look like you stepped out of a fresco, my love." His voice was soft, as if he was afraid he would frighten away the vision before him.

Elizabeth smiled warmly. He looked good too. Georgianna had inquired what Elizabeth would be wearing to court and had laid out an appropriate outfit for William. He was in a white velvet doublet with full, lace on sleeves, that was quilted in straight parallel lines running diagonally across his chest. With the warmth of the evening, he had left the opening unlaced, his white linen shirt revealed underneath. The doublet ended just above his hips, which were enclosed by dark blue velvet leggings and his white belt. On his feet were low black boots.

Elizabeth offered him her hand, which he bowed deeply over and kissed. "Are you ready to go, my lady?" he asked, his voice warmed with devotion.

"Wait a minute!" Charles interrupted them. "We need pictures." Charles and Jane were dressing in matching red cotehardies. How Jane had managed that, Elizabeth didn't know, but she suspected Georgie had something to do with it.

Jane & Charles

A twenty minutes photo session followed. Elizabeth had her picture taken with William, with Jane, with William and Jane and Charles, with Georgianna and William, and with all of Pemberley en masse. When they were done, she was quite ready to leave.

"One more thing!" Georgianna exclaimed. "We were waiting for the right time, but this seems good." She smiled conspiratorially at Richard, who was standing with her. "We have some engagement gifts for you, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth blushed. She hadn't been expecting this. Richard handed her something that looked like a remote control with prongs sticking out of it, and a bow on it. "This is for getting William out of bookstores. You'll need it."

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked puzzled.

"A tazer," Richard grinned. Everyone laughed at this.

"Aren't these illegal?" Elizabeth asked in amused surprise.

Richard smirked, "Might be. But I have some connections," he winked.

Georgianna handed her a bound and laminated booklet.

"What's this?" Elizabeth asked cautiously.

"It is a complete inventory of William's clothing, both modern and his garb." Georgianna informed her. "Now you get to be in charge of dressing him."

Elizabeth laughed and looked at William, who was blushing. "Good luck," Richard told her, "You are really going to need that!"

"Okay, Okay," Georgianna continued. "Those were just the joke gifts."

"Mine wasn't," Richard interjected.

"Hush," Georgianna scolded him. "This is your real present, Lizzy." Georgianna held out a brightly colored baby plastic toy key chain, tied to it was a label that said 'Porsche'. "William told me you liked his car, so we got you one," she smiled brightly. "The real keys are back with the car in Boston."

Elizabeth was speechless. She looked at Georgianna and Richard, who were looking very pleased with themselves, and then to William, who was smiling at her. Muttering an excuse, she turned and left the camp as quickly as she could. She didn't know where she was walking, she just walked. Her head was spinning and her mouth keep opening and closing like a fish. Elizabeth was in a panic, she did not know how to react to such a gift.

She must have wandered unseeingly for ten minutes until a pair of strong hands caught her shoulders and she found herself in William's embrace. She closed her eyes and relaxed in the sweetness of his arms, as he said softly, "I think we need to talk."

Elizabeth nodded mutely, feeling the velvet of his doublet against her cheek. In William's arms, she could breathe again. When she was ready, she slid an arm around his waist and continued walking, her side still tightly pressed against his. A block later, she was able to speak. "It's weird," she began, "I think most people would be happy to marry a millionaire. I know my mother will think I've won the lottery," she shrugged, "but Will, I'm not like that!"

"I know that, Elizabeth. I always have," he said reassuringly.

"I almost wish you didn't have all that money. It makes me feel so far away from you. I hate that we come from different worlds."

William stopped and pulled her to him. "If it would make you feel better, I would give it all away."

Elizabeth smiled weakly, "You would, wouldn't you?"

He nodded. Elizabeth shook her head. "No, it's not necessary." She sighed and resumed walking with him. "It just throws me, you know? I mean, I've never had a new car in my life, and your sister just gave me one that costs as much as a house."

William frowned, "Not a house in Boston."

Elizabeth tilted her head, "Maybe not. But certainly a house in Meryton." She frowned, "Will, what am I going to do?" she said anxiously. "I hate talking about money."

William smiled, "Most people do," he said reassuringly. "Elizabeth, I know this is hard for you, and I don't know what to do to make it easier. I have money, but that's not who I am and it is not going to affect our relationship."

"William, how can you say that! Of course its going to affect our relationship. Look at the discussion we are having."

William smiled gently, "Elizabeth, I don't think you are as upset about money, as you are about how you are going to fit into my life, and how I'm going to fit into yours."

Elizabeth stopped. He was right. The money had been merely a distraction from the real issue. "Besides," William continued, "I am sure that all married couple have discussions about money, so I don't think this conversation is in any way abnormal."

Elizabeth nodded, realizing he was right, "So, how will I fit into your life?" she said, a bit ruefully.

"Here is what we are going to do," William said warmly, "I'm going to tell you what I would like, and you are going to tell me what we are going to do."

Elizabeth smiled up at him gratefully.

"I would like for you to live with me in Pemberley. It's a nice house, a little tight, but we can manage," he grinned. As Elizabeth smiled at his joke, he added "and I would very much like you to allow me to give you the freedom from having to work for a living."

Elizabeth bit her lip, thoughtfully. "But I don't want to be a burden, a sponge."

"Elizabeth," William smiled into her eyes, "You could never be a burden; you are a treasure." He kissed her softly. "I'm not saying you shouldn't work, if you want too. I just want to give you the choice of not having to work if you don't want to."

Elizabeth looked unsure. "I have a lot of money, Elizabeth, so much that I could stop working now, and have enough for the rest of our lives, and our children, and our grandchildren and their children. I'm not bragging, I just want you to know that you aren't a burden." His eyes warmed tenderly, "You are my bride." She smiled back at him, powerless before his immense love. "I work because I want to, and so should you." He tried a different tack, "Have you ever wanted to do research, or go back to school and study something interesting but that had no job prospects, or have a great idea for something, but could never do it, because you didn't have the time due to your job?" He waited for her to nod, "Let me give you that time, Elizabeth, please."

Elizabeth walked with him, silently, while William waited. "I need to think about this," she said finally. "Not about moving into Pemberley," she added quickly, "I'm okay with that. I just need to think about the job thing."

William nodded. "I had Margaret check; your teaching certification is valid in Massachusetts."

Elizabeth was struck by his thoughtfulness; and tears welled in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. "One more thing," he said softly, "Will you accept the Porsche?"

Elizabeth snorted in self-deprecating laughter. "I totally forgot about that," she admitted. "I'm going to have to apologize to Georgie and Richard." She shook her head. "I hope I didn't hurt their feelings."

"Georgie is a little confused, but Richard is okay." William told her, "He understands this is very stressful for you."

She smiled wryly, "Who ever thought falling in love could be so stressful?"

William kissed her, "It's not the love, it's the changes, my heart," he said with a warm squeeze, "Keep the car, you will need it to get away from me jumping you all the time."

"Like I would ever want to do that," she told him coyly. She grinned, feeling much better, "What color is it?"

"Red," he grinned, lifting his eyebrows once.

She sighed, "Oh, I suppose I'm going to have to keep it," she said dramatically, "in the interest of domestic tranquility, of course."

"Of course," he agreed.

They entered Pemberley, towards which William had been subtlely leading them, and Elizabeth realized that together, they had just cleared another major hurdle. She felt like all her fears and worries for the future were melting away, like fog in the sunlight.

Part 20

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