Chapter 5



Darcy's London Townhouse – continued…

It had only been a fortnight that Darcy had been back in his London townhouse, yet he was still bemused, wondering whether or not this dream-like fantasy would soon end? He could not recall a time in all his eight and twenty years that he had ever known such happiness. Mrs. Elizabeth Rose Darcy was here with him as his darling blushing bride – for it seemed that ever since their wedding night her countenance always appeared a rosy bright shade of pink! He loved her immensely… he adored everything about her… he felt intoxicated just by her unique fragrance… she claimed it was only the lavender-rose mixture that she and Jane created in the still room at Longbourn. Whatever it was, when in her presence – her scent was always his undoing – and his self reserved control was lost.

Darcy had every intention of being patient, slow and gentle with his new bride on their wedding night. He thought he had convinced himself and her -- that it was of no significance if they did not consummate their marriage immediately – that their becoming familiar with pleasing and getting to know each other should come natural and gradual as Elizabeth felt more comfortable. That was how it had started out…

Darcy had promised himself and her many times in the few short weeks of their courtship that he would be gentle… reassuring her and discreetly instructing her of the pleasures available to them as a married couple that were not just the marital duties required to gain an heir – as her mother had so inconsiderately frightened Elizabeth with, describing only the mere stark insensitive act itself.

Yet, as it turned out, he ended up "ravishing" her as she had urged him on…

He had underestimated his wife's liveliness and courage… Elizabeth was not about to let anyone or anything or any situation intimidate her. Not his Lizzy! She confessed at having "studied on her own" from some forbidden book her father had kept well hidden on the top shelf in his library. Elizabeth had discovered it quite by accident one day to be completely taken aback by the content. Before her marriage she justified that now would be the best time for her to do a more thorough reading of it.

After all, I would soon be a married woman and do not want to remain an ignorant innocent naïve maiden.

Thus, to his surprise and delight she came to him better aware and quite eager to experience a completely blissful lovemaking wedding night with her new husband.

Indeed, every night since and even a few times during the daylight they had enjoyed their lovemaking sessions. It seemed they were both insatiable! Her arts and allurements as his wife had utterly seduced him to be totally besotted.


He chuckled to himself recalling his valet, Fletcher's face that first morning… it was late closer to noon time… for both he and Elizabeth had fallen fast asleep and only the slight familiar sounds of his valet's movements in Darcy's dressing room awoke him. He still had his arms around Elizabeth's body as she was nestled on his chest with her legs saddled over his lower body. He had tried to gently move her off without waking her – impossible – but she only stirred a little moaning perhaps from her discomfort of their nightlong pleasures; soon she fell back fast asleep in a curled up position. He immediately covered her with more blankets, striding straight away to his dressing room to grab his robe to cover himself.

Fletcher had only been prepared to do his regular toiletry duties for his master and was not anticipating any need to concern himself with the new mistress. For that, of course, she had her own lady's maid to attend her.

So when Darcy began giving orders to Fletcher to fetch a basin of warm water and get him whatever was necessary for him to attend his wife – Fletcher was aghast! Fortunately for him, Darcy then realized that it should be Elizabeth's lady's maid that could accommodate his requests – so he immediately rushed out of his dressing room dismissing Fletcher, telling him that he would not need his services at all until much later.

Darcy was able to return to his bed with all that he needed to minister to his wife's present need for relief. As he had crawled back into the bed to slowly tease her awake – he found his erection fully alert and ready to give them both more pleasure; but he choked down any more sensual feeling to concentrate on soothing away his bride's discomforts first!

He knew she would be surprised and again embarrassed by his prodigious attentions to her, but he reassured her – his reason was to simply give himself and her more ways to be intimate – Besides, he secretly relished the opportunity to closely see and touch more of her beautiful body even if he had to curtail his own pleasure.

When he had finished cleansing her private area and rubbing and massaging her lower back and legs against any possible cramping, they again made love. He had unknowingly formed a habit that would continue throughout their married life – he would minister to her comforts in every way possible after making love to her.

Each day since, he knew that Lizzy was becoming more trusting of him and allowing him even more liberties, free to express his ardent love for her in ways that were much more satisfying then his fanciful imaginations had ever been.

He knew because of her clever mind, lively and playful spirit that she would be a force to be reckoned with when they made love. His Lizzy was not at all shy or modest anymore. He took great pleasure in the fact that she often was the initiator of their love making sessions.

Once she got over her embarrassment and feelings that he would disapprove of her wanton behavior, she became a tigress – almost insatiable – how wonderful she made him feel. Lizzy was eager to learn how to please him and give him pleasure as well. He never even dared to imagine the liberties that his wife would take to please him. He knew he was one very fortunate man to have such an eager and willing partner in the marriage bed.

She was just as fascinated by his body as he was of hers, often telling him he was "god-like" in his figure like the sculptures she had once seen in a museum.

Lizzy had finally confessed the name of the forbidden book that she found in her father's library. Darcy was not as shocked as she had assumed he would be… for he surprised her by giving her a copy of that very same book from his own library. He further explained that he too had discovered this book long ago hidden by his own father. Together, they had gleaned some very interesting postures and techniques to experiment with during their love making sessions.


It would be a few more weeks in London before they made their way home to Pemberley. They would first travel to Hertfordshire to attend the Bingley's wedding and then spent some time at Longbourn before continuing their journey home. Darcy could hardly wait to show Elizabeth his ancestral home. He had no doubts that she would come to love it there as much as he did. Both Georgianna and Richard praised the grounds surrounding Pemberley and confirmed to Elizabeth, knowing how much she enjoyed her daily walks in the country lanes of Hertfordshire that she would indeed find the woods and natural beauty enough to keep her entertained for all her life. With her lively and clever wit and charms at making people around her comfortable and at ease in her company, Darcy was absolutely certain she would be the perfect mistress for Pemberley.


During the time that had passed while in London, Lizzy still felt as though in a whirlwind of new adventures and experiences. They had dined several times with the Earl and Lady Matlock, meeting several more acquaintances of the ton. Elizabeth soon became a favorite with her natural personality, playful and clever wit she easily charmed all those who met her. Even a few of those who were determined to not like her simply because she had been the one to capture Darcy's heart, could not but admit that it was indeed a marriage of love and not just for convenience, nor mercenary benefits. Those who were observant enough could not help but notice the seductive glimpses each had for the other. Even across a crowded room, Darcy's smoldering looks betrayed his adoration for his new bride. The tension of their ardent love for each other permeated between them no matter who else's company surrounded them. They had eyes for no one else but each other. It was simply too obvious how much they were in love.

They had also enjoyed a few visits to the opera and had the pleasure of including the Gardiners in their party. Darcy especially enjoyed his new found friendship with Mr. Gardiner, discovering their mutual love of fishing. He invited them to come any time to Pemberley to partake of this peaceful sport. He also promised Mrs. Gardiner a grand tour of his home and the grounds. He was delighted to know she grew up in Lambton and they shared many stories of that quaint little village. Mrs. Gardiner told Darcy she remembered seeing his mother, Lady Anne, on a few occasions when she came into Lambton to shop with her own mother. Although they did not move in the same social circles, Mrs. Gardiner shared that when she met Georgianna the first time, she was reminded of Lady Anne as a very beautiful and elegant woman and that Georgianna already favored her mother in beauty and stature. Darcy could not help but agree with her.

Mr. Gardiner was even able to introduce Darcy to several of his successful business associates to solicit means of making profits that would enable Darcy to more wisely invest his assets and increase better living conditions for his tenants at Pemberley. Mr. Gardiner may only be in trade, but he was indeed a very shrewd yet humble and wise businessman.


Now as he sat in his study at his desk in front of a pile of correspondence that begged his immediate attention. Much had happened since he had determined back at Netherfield to woo and court Miss Elizabeth Bennet… it was past the time to deal with these other pressing issues concerning the Master of Pemberley!

How am I to distract myself from the many delights of my darling blushing bride? For here I sit dumbly staring into the fireplace with my thoughts completely overtaken with her.

Elizabeth's confidence in being mistress of her own home was growing. The London staff adored her and all were very pleased to see the changes in their master which was obviously a direct result of his very amiable and charming new wife! Mr. Bennet's influence and training when she assisted him with his duties for Longbourn had already prepared and laid the basic skills for her to know how to manage an even larger staff at the London Townhouse. Darcy was surprised how well Elizabeth understood some of the problems facing him from the correspondence he was daily receiving from his steward back home at Pemberley. How blessed Darcy felt all the more to realize that his choice of wife would also lift some of the responsibilities and burdens he had solely endured all these past lonely years.

Chapter 6

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